There are people who have been victimized by a vicious trader with a company name or trade name similar to that of our company. In addition to the act of claiming a fictitious claim such as "I have taken over the claim" or "I have been entrusted with the collection of the claim", it is also said that "a subsidy to compensate for the loss has been systematized". The method is also skillful, such as making some kind of payment under the pretext.
If you receive any suspicious phone calls, telegrams, visits, etc., please contact our office.
Also, we have received many inquiries due to fictitious billing via SMS using a company name similar to ours.
If you receive any of the messages or e-mails similar to following, we recommend that you do not call the phone number displayed and that you consult with the nearest police station or consumer affairs center.
Sample message appears similar to below
"There are items to confirm regarding the transfer of receivables. Please be sure to contact us today. Capital Servicing Co., Ltd. 03-XXXX-XXXX"
*Please also refer to the website of the Ministry of Justice.
*Please contact us at:
Capital Servicing Co., Ltd.
TEL: 03-6230-5290